Sustainable Treatments
As part of our commitment to delivering sustainable construction, BSG has successfully delivered the design, construction, and maintenance of sustainable treatment facilities such as ICW’s and Reed Beds.
These systems are based on providing highly efficient treatment using natural resources, such as emergent aquatic plants or reeds to treat effluent to the required consent standard. Other benefits of using these systems are low/no energy usage, increase biodiversity and improved overall water quality.
Stoneyford ICW
Value: £1.5m
This contract was the construction an Integrated Constructed Wetland, the first for Northern Ireland Water. The contract presented as a flagship project for the client, the site ear marked for several environmental awards and is being used for Research and Development. The contract was the constructed of 5 settlement ponds of combined area of over 44,000m2 planted with 6 plant types in specific densities. New pumping mains transfer flow to the ICW with existing WWTWks decommissioned.
Castlearchdale ICW
Value: £0.45m
This contract was the construction an Integrated Constructed Wetland at Castlearchdale in Co Fermanagh. The contract was the construction of 3 settlement ponds of combined area of over 15,000m2 planted with 23,000 plants of specific types and densities, complimented with natural landscaping. The existing pumping mains are extended to the new ICW with existing WWTWks decommissioned. The new ICW site is within the Castlearchdale Country Park, designed for a population Equivalent of 849.
Clabby WWTW
Value £2.2m
The Design, Construct, Commission & Testing of a new WwTW at Clabby. Works included construction of a reed-bed treatment system and decommissioning of existing works. Flows gravitate to the works via a new gravity sewer. The new WwTW site comprises an inlet distribution pumping station, two stage vertical flow reed-bed system including forced bed aeration within the second stage. The inlet distribution pumping station houses four pumps, a dedicated pump per first stage phragmifiltre reed bed. The second stage beds forced bed aeration is served by duty standby blowers.